Coaching Foundation Course - No Longer offered
Intermediate Coaching Course - $300 for members $375 for non members
See Upcoming events on home page of Squash Alberta Website.
Home Study
Coaches complete a series of exercises and tasks in the workbook which is submitted to a Course Tutor for marking and feedback.
Click here for more information
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
Good coaches have the right qualifications and training in order to effectively deliver their services, especially when young people are involved. The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and its partners have developed a training and certification program to help coaches become better.
Launched in 1970, the NCCP is a partnership between the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, and more than 60 national sport federations and their provincial and territorial sport associations. As Canada's recognized training and certification program, the NCCP serves a wide range of coaches · from those who introduce beginners to sport to those working with high performance athletes.
In response to an extensive evaluation, the program has been going through a major re-development since the late 1990s. Key to these changes is a shift in emphasis from (what a coach knows÷ to (what a coach can do.÷ In the new, competency-based system, training and certification programs are based on the clearly defined needs of participants. This new structure addresses the full range of sports in Canada at various levels of skill and in a variety of settings.
Training and Certification
The new NCCP model distinguishes between training and certification. Coaches can participate in training opportunities to acquire or refine the skills and knowledge required for a particular coaching context as defined by the sport. To be certified in a coaching context, coaches are evaluated on their demonstrated ability to perform within that context in areas such as program design, practice planning, performance analysis, program management, ethical coaching, support to participants during training, and support to participants in competition.
A coach is described as:
= In Training - when a coach has completed some of the required training for a context;
= Trained - when a coach has completed all required training for a context;
= Certified - when a coach has completed all evaluation requirements for a context.
How Will Coaches Achieve Certification
Coaches who need training will have opportunities to acquire or refine the skills, knowledge and attitudes deemed important to coach effectively in a particular context. When they are ready, coaches may decide to be evaluated for certification purposes.
Check Your Certification Status
Please visit the Coaching Association of Canada website at Click on (Certification - Update records and check certification÷ in the box on the right hand side of the screen.
Squash Canada Certification Equivalencies and the New NCCP
Legacy coaches will be entitled to apply for certification equivalency in the New NCCP Data base when the new contexts have received final approval from CAC. Equivalencies will be granted based upon a comparison of the old evaluation requirements and those now required in each context.
Level 1 certified Certified Squash Teacher
Trained Intermediate Instructor
Level 2 certified Certified Intermediate Instructor
Trained Club Coach
Level 3 certified Certified Club Coach
Trained Provincial Coach
Equivalencies Challenges
Legacy coaches are entitled to challenge for higher certification within a context at any time.
For equivalency as a Certified Squash Instructor, the Level 1 Legacy Coach must take:
= (Planning a Practice÷ module from Part A
= (Make Ethical Decisions÷ and pass the on-line Ethics evaluation. Part A
For equivalency as a Certified Club Coach, the Level 2 Legacy Coach must take the following modules from Part A and Part B of the Multi-Sports and meet the required standard during an on-court evaluation:
= (Planning a Practice÷ Part A
= (Teaching and Learning÷ Part B
= (Designing a Sport Program÷ Part B
= (Make Ethical Decisions÷ and pass the on-line Ethics evaluation. Part A
= (Analyzing Skill÷. Group assessment
= (Support of Athletes in training÷. Group lesson
= They must also have completed any Squash Canada requirements in that context.
Alberta Closed Provincial Championships
Edmonton Squash Club, Edmonton
Players must be residents of Alberta and members of Squash Alberta to participate in Provincial Closed Championships
2025 Alberta Junior Closed Provincial Championships
University Of Calgary Racquet Center, Calgary